E-Mail to: Ted@TedBaldwin.com
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As an actor, Ted has appeared in stage plays, radio plays, television shows and feature films, and has narrated thousands of documentaries, radio spots and television commercials.

Ted was a featured extra in Kingfish with John Goodman, Dead Man Walking with Susan Sarandon, and was a cafe patron in Steven Soderburg's Schizopolis.

Most recently in film Ted was a crew member and featured extra with John Waters in Jacky Morgan's Production of Herschel Gordon Lewis' Blood Feast Two: All U Can Eat, a proper sequel to Lewis' outrageous 60's horror classic Blood Feast. BF2:AUCE starred southern film and stage star John McConnell. Click on the poster to buy this one for your own camp horror colleciton.

As a spoken word performance poet, Ted has placed first several times in the Baton Rouge Slam Poetry contests.

Ted performing origianl poetry at the St. Francisville Arts Fair in Louisiana, at the BirdMan Cafe', November 2003. He is 5' 17" tall.

To enter Ted's poetry page click the rocket popcorn logo.

On stage in 2003, Ted appeared in MoonLark Productions' Cymbeline, staged at the MoonLark Theater.

Ted had three supporting roles:
The First Lord, a comical fop/swordsman - advisor to the King, yet also to the Queen's arrogant son.

(period accurate costume by Mary McConnell)
Below: Ted as the old warrior Philario in Cymbeline.

Below: Ted as the god Jupiter, bestowing fate on the fallen hero.

The three roles required Ted to be onstage during most of the performance, in one role or another.
Mr. Baldwin, CEO and Chief Creative Officer of 3rd Coast Digital Films, Inc., is available to speak on a wide variety of topics, including but not limited to screenwriting, animation, production, direction, and digital media. 225.413.6051